Friday, December 23, 2011

Guten Tag!

Hello! I am glad that you found your way to my personal little piece of the great, World Wide Web! I have decided to create a blog for two reasons: 1. Everyone has one. So, I thought I would jump on the band wagon. Cause that's how I roll. 2. A majority of my Facebook post are long. Obviously, I have a lot to say. It seems that I need a bigger space to fill with my rambling thoughts.

So, here goes nothing. Hopefully, this will last longer than any journal I ever started (a week). Although, I must say that I was faithful to my Xanga in high school. Does anyone else remember those? I would give my pinkie toe to have those posts back. I deleted it once I no longer posted. I'm sure I would have many chuckles if I was able to go back and read through the trials and tribulations of high school. Boy. I thought I knew it all then.

We do not have children, yet. So there will be no cute and funny stories from our house. Most of my material will come from yours truly and the faithful sidekick who is my Hubby, Ed. You will learn more about him later. I plan to do our love story in a future post. I know you can't wait. However, I do have several other sources of interest in my life that are always making my day a little brighter. Monday through Friday, from 7am until 2:30pm, I am responsible for twenty-two little darlings. In case you haven't guessed, I teach PreK. Need I say more. I also have the privilege of working with thirty of the craziest and most beautiful women in North Georgia. Then we have the family;  I love them dearly. And last but not least, my other faithful sidekick, Christy.

I intend to use this blog to share stories of comedy, inspiration, and love. And the occasional vent. Some names will be changed to protect the innocent, but I hope to give you lovely readers a little peek in our lives in the Clark household. Thanks for stopping by! Rach 


  1. Awe! I'm your faithful sidekick :) ill give you your dues in my next post. Btw I can still access my xanga.... we should do that sometime. Fo sho.

  2. Yay! You started a blog! I'm so excited! :) Oh my goodness....Xanga! I had forgotten about that! I need to see if I still have an account! Crazy!
