Friday, June 12, 2015

Lost in Translation: Haddie-isms

It has been quite a long hiatus from my blog. A lot has changed. Haddie especially. The last time I wrote she was turning two. Now we are only four months away from turning THREE!

This year has brought many new milestones and memories. She has grown over three inches and probably only put on three pounds. Long and lean with legs for days! I would say that we are 84.5% potty trained. She wears a diaper at night and has a slight hesitation for going #2 in the potty. Other than that, we are golden! She can count into the teens, sing her ABCs, knows basic shapes and colors. She also loves to sing. "Twinkle, Twinkle," "You Are My Sunshine," "Five Little Monkeys," and "Wheels on the Bus" are just a few of her favorites. She loves to name animals and do their sounds. She loves technology and cartoons/movies. Which I sometimes worry that we are doing a little too much of the TV, so I am working on a little less screen time. She loves yogurt, pretzels, green peas, Cheerios, and gummies. Always. Everything else is hit or miss.

One of my most favorite changes is her vocabulary. As she is learning (and butchering) new words, she continues to keep me laughing. I know that it is only a matter of time before she loses the "toddler accent," so I wanted to document some of my favorites:

Bristol - biffle
bear - beer
sausage - sawmage
biscuit - sibbet
playground - greyground
motorcycle - bicycle
bumblebee - applebee
jump - shump
cover up - keyed up
pizza - peesus
chips - sips
Cherrios - chedios
pretzels - tretsels
pajamas - jamas
Snoopy - schoopy
friends - fwends
lotion - ocean
medicine - mezen
bologna - whoaney
mosquito bites - ski bites
Goofy - goopy
something - sumpin
And if she isn't sure what to call something, she just makes up a word.

And here are some of her most popular sayings:

"Haddie Zo"
"My Haddie's turn"
"My Haddie do it"
"It too big"
"It too little"
"It too fit"
Instead of "No more milk," she says "No milk more"
When she has to potty (no matter if it's #1 or #2), "I poopen"
"No way"
"Bus yo butt"
"It hurz it"
"No touchable my booboos more"
"Mezen on it"

Sentences are starting to piece together and grow. She loves to pretend to snore. A majority of her statements are followed by "mama:" "I see, mama," "let's go, mama," look, mama," "where are you, mama?" and "what you doing, mama?"She also likes to repeat directions before we do something: "wait for mama," "no wunning in road," "cars'll get zu." She recently started squealing. About everything. She is a pretty good communicator now, which helps on many levels.

I know people always talk about the "Terrible Twos," but honestly, I am a little more fearful of the "Threenager" that I am already catching glimpses of. She is a fun-loving and full of life/energy, little lady that loves to test boundaries and isn't afraid to pitch a fit. Some days bedtime doesn't come fast enough. But those are also the days that I catch my self watching videos and scrolling through pictures as soon as she is in bed. The days are definitely long, but the years are going quick. Third birthday plans are in full effect....

Friday, October 17, 2014

Dear Haddie,

It has been 730 days, or 17,520 hours, or 63,072,000 seconds since you were born. How ever you look at it, I have loved each increment of that time. You have spent about half of those days, hours, and seconds asleep. Literally. And sometimes, I am just as thankful for that.

You have developed quite the personality. You are a creature of habit and you love routine. 

Every day starts the same. You wake up and immediately ask for milk (that Mama still warms up) and "ohs" (Cheerios). But only after we have gathered "guh" (blanket) and "woof," and have kissed pig and placed him back upright in the crib. Disney Junior had better be on the television when you are plopped down on the couch. Paci was kicked to the curb almost two months ago (Thank God!), and we haven't looked back.

Diaper changes are always cause for a game of chase. You are always ready for a cup of juice (which is really 80% water and 20% juice) and a "nack" (snack). You are an animal lover, and Bristol might be your best friend. You love to play "sowside" and to "bing" (swing) and you slide all by your self. You must step and splash in every puddle of water. Every. One. "So So So So" (Sofia the First) is by far the best thing ever. You know you are not supposed to have the "mote" (remote) and the "bone" (cell phones); so instead, you pick them up and bring them to us just so you can touch them.

You love to jabber just as loud when two people are having a conversation. You love to help sweep and often help out by throwing away trash. In the washing machine. Books are another one of your favorites and you love to read them. You love to stack blocks. And knock them over. You also love to "coyor" (color). This usually includes dumping out all the crayons and then sneaking off to write on things you aren't supposed to. You love to run, and often don't look where you are going. The bumps and bruises that cover your face are proof of that.

You love to dance and spin in circles. You give high fives and pound it with a "boom." You have developed a sixth sense that allows you to stop doing cute and new things as soon as a camera is opened. You don't always want your dinner, but everyone elses is fair game. You have been watching the same "bee" (movie) in the car for over a month. You absolutely hate to brush your teeth or sit still to have your nails trimmed. You love tickle fights and kisses on boo-boos. You love to watch videos of yourself and play in the mirror. You have the biggest blue/grey eyes and the most crooked litte smile. You have a chipped front tooth and finally are working on some hair.

You are too smart for your own good. You are stubborn and have an extremely quick temper. These are just a few of the reasons why I love you.

You are so loved. My wish for you is that you always know that. I hope to be there for you just enough, but not too much. I don't want you to fall, but I do want you to learn you can always get back up. Our trials and lessons will change through the years, but my love for you will not.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Hadley Jo! 
Here are a few of my favorite moments we have shared.

Friday, August 8, 2014

#tbt Regrets on a Friday

Baby Ballerinas

Hold the phone! This post has nothing to do with being a Mama or a tutorial! Almost.

If you have any access to social media, most likely you know what #tbt means. Normally, it causes giggles, maybe some blushing, and sweet memories. But lately, it has caused a little bit of another feeling for me: regret.

I have always been a little shy, a little introverted, and a little socially awkward. Teaching is a strange profession for someone with those qualities, but I feel like I have become a stronger person from it. Definitely still room to grow. 

Dance was a passion of mine from a very young age. All the shyness melted away when I preformed. When I was in 8th grade, I saw a group of beautiful dancers at a college in Alabama. It became my dream to be a part of the group. I busted my butt to do well in school, get accepted to college, and make that dream a reality. And I did it!

Life has a funny way of changing "your plans." I couldn't wait to graduate and leave my small town in the dust. I was going to go away and have the time of my life at college. 

Here is where the regret comes in. I did none of that. I got to preform with those beautiful girls for two great seasons. But I did not take full advantage of the experiences and friendships that were right in front of me. Instead, I spent my time making excuses and justifying that it was OK. I went to classes, practices, and other obligations. But I skipped out on the fun. I had so many opportunities to make stronger relationships, new relationships, memories, and reach bigger goals that I had ambitiously set. 

I don't have tons of pictures from mixers, parties, or trips with friends. I did not try out for additional performance groups. I didn't make many new friends. Seeing throwback photos from friends are reminders of that. I am sure some people knew why or at least had a pretty good idea about why I acted that way. Some probably just thought I was stuck up and/or a hermit. That is what hurts the most. I didn't get to know them and they didn't get to know the real me.

It is not important as to what or who caused me to make the choices I made. It happened. I can't change the past. All decisions and choices have lead me to where I am today. And I know if things had been different, I would not be in the place I am now. But I did learn a very important lesson.

Here is where the Mama comes in. I want to make sure that Haddie knows not to make the same mistakes. No one or nothing should stand in the way of her goals and dreams. I know that in many, many, many, many moons from now, she will roll her eyes and huff like all girls do when Mom gives advice. But I am gonna say it again and again. Don't let someone else stand in the way of what and who you want to be. That goes for anyone.

I don't want to dwell on the past. And I am making no plans to go crazy and sow my wild oats at almost 30. But it does feel good to get my feelings out and on "paper." I can't wait for football season to start and get the chance to see the newest generation of Southerners and Ballerinas. I am thankful that I got to be a part of such a great organization!

Band Camp
JSU 2005

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Let's Get Real: Naptime Confessions

I am not built to be a full-time stay-at-home mom. There. I said it.

Let me stop right here and say what sounds real cliche: I love my life. But honestly, I do! I am more than blessed with a home, a job, friends and family, and most of all, a happy and healthy little girl. But that doesn't mean that I don't get overwhelmed. I am still human.

I know that there are several reasons women become stay-at-home moms: finances, health reasons, more time with kids, etc. No matter what the reason, I am not here to down it. Go, girl.

God knew what he was doing when he chose my profession. I get the best of both worlds! I get an income and a job for a majority of the year with family-friendly hours and some extra time off for holidays. And then I get a few months at home for the summer. And that is exactly what I can handle.

This toddler stage is a toughie. Every thing is "no." Every thing is a game of you gotta catch me first. Every bad choice is done with that sly smile meaning, "what you gonna do about it." Honestly, it is exhausting. Some days I live for nap time. And then bed time. Figuring out how to discipline is equally as tough. With so many influences from a million different sources, you begin to second guess your fifth guesses. Some days getting out of the house is more trouble than it is worth. And the loads of laundry only containing pajamas are proof of that.

Don't get me wrong. We have fun. But it isn't all picnics, trips to the zoo, bubbles and happiness. We have had tantrums, spills, and boo boos. From both parties.

I do take Haddie to daycare one day a week. I want her to stay somewhat in the groove with school. Plus, I love that she gets to see her friends and and have some social interaction of the toddler kind. And she loves it too. She walks in and slams the door in my face behind her. But having a built in "free" day a week isn't always so relaxing. Lots of tasks and errands get thrown to this day. Soon, my "relaxing, baby free" day becomes a day of running around trying to cram it all in before time to pick her up.

Let's get real though. The grass is always greener. No matter what your situation, things could always be better or worse in some aspect. I guess I just needed a therapy session to get it all out. I have a lot to be thankful for.

For those full-time SAHMs (or Dads!), my hat is off to you! Every one has his/her calling. I am thankful to have my Summer to spend with Haddie, but I may or may not get a little sigh of relief to see those school supplies back on the shelf at the ole Walmart!

Alright, friends. Therapy session over. I need to focus on Food Network and eat my carton of ice cream before nap time is over and sidewalk chalk, snack, and snuggles begin! I will leave you with a small photo dump of our Summer and a quote that I tell my self daily.....

"The days are long, but the years are short" - Gretchen Rubin