It has been 730 days, or 17,520 hours, or 63,072,000 seconds since you were born. How ever you look at it, I have loved each increment of that time. You have spent about half of those days, hours, and seconds asleep. Literally. And sometimes, I am just as thankful for that.
You have developed quite the personality. You are a creature of habit and you love routine.
Every day starts the same. You wake up and immediately ask for milk (that Mama still warms up) and "ohs" (Cheerios). But only after we have gathered "guh" (blanket) and "woof," and have kissed pig and placed him back upright in the crib. Disney Junior had better be on the television when you are plopped down on the couch. Paci was kicked to the curb almost two months ago (Thank God!), and we haven't looked back.
Diaper changes are always cause for a game of chase. You are always ready for a cup of juice (which is really 80% water and 20% juice) and a "nack" (snack). You are an animal lover, and Bristol might be your best friend. You love to play "sowside" and to "bing" (swing) and you slide all by your self. You must step and splash in every puddle of water. Every. One. "So So So So" (Sofia the First) is by far the best thing ever. You know you are not supposed to have the "mote" (remote) and the "bone" (cell phones); so instead, you pick them up and bring them to us just so you can touch them.
You love to jabber just as loud when two people are having a conversation. You love to help sweep and often help out by throwing away trash. In the washing machine. Books are another one of your favorites and you love to read them. You love to stack blocks. And knock them over. You also love to "coyor" (color). This usually includes dumping out all the crayons and then sneaking off to write on things you aren't supposed to. You love to run, and often don't look where you are going. The bumps and bruises that cover your face are proof of that.
You love to dance and spin in circles. You give high fives and pound it with a "boom." You have developed a sixth sense that allows you to stop doing cute and new things as soon as a camera is opened. You don't always want your dinner, but everyone elses is fair game. You have been watching the same "bee" (movie) in the car for over a month. You absolutely hate to brush your teeth or sit still to have your nails trimmed. You love tickle fights and kisses on boo-boos. You love to watch videos of yourself and play in the mirror. You have the biggest blue/grey eyes and the most crooked litte smile. You have a chipped front tooth and finally are working on some hair.
You are too smart for your own good. You are stubborn and have an extremely quick temper. These are just a few of the reasons why I love you.
You are so loved. My wish for you is that you always know that. I hope to be there for you just enough, but not too much. I don't want you to fall, but I do want you to learn you can always get back up. Our trials and lessons will change through the years, but my love for you will not.
You love to jabber just as loud when two people are having a conversation. You love to help sweep and often help out by throwing away trash. In the washing machine. Books are another one of your favorites and you love to read them. You love to stack blocks. And knock them over. You also love to "coyor" (color). This usually includes dumping out all the crayons and then sneaking off to write on things you aren't supposed to. You love to run, and often don't look where you are going. The bumps and bruises that cover your face are proof of that.
You love to dance and spin in circles. You give high fives and pound it with a "boom." You have developed a sixth sense that allows you to stop doing cute and new things as soon as a camera is opened. You don't always want your dinner, but everyone elses is fair game. You have been watching the same "bee" (movie) in the car for over a month. You absolutely hate to brush your teeth or sit still to have your nails trimmed. You love tickle fights and kisses on boo-boos. You love to watch videos of yourself and play in the mirror. You have the biggest blue/grey eyes and the most crooked litte smile. You have a chipped front tooth and finally are working on some hair.
You are too smart for your own good. You are stubborn and have an extremely quick temper. These are just a few of the reasons why I love you.
You are so loved. My wish for you is that you always know that. I hope to be there for you just enough, but not too much. I don't want you to fall, but I do want you to learn you can always get back up. Our trials and lessons will change through the years, but my love for you will not.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Hadley Jo!
Here are a few of my favorite moments we have shared.
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