Sunday, June 10, 2012

20 Weeks

20 Weeks

Haddie is the size of a Banana

Halfway There! I can't believe it! This week has been a major turning point for this pregnancy. So many things to share. I decided not to post a Facebook status update for every one of them. I don't want to become that person who updates every 30 minutes, so I saved it all for the blog!

I am actually beginning to feel pregnant. I have not had an issue with sleep until the past few days. I feel like it is slightly harder to get comfortable and get to sleep. I have also been waking up at the crack of dawn, and then I have to fight to get back to sleep. After a visit to the potty, of course. I know it is going to get much worse before it gets better, but I can't really complain because I have been so lucky, so far. Also, I am starting to feel pressure in my lower stomach now. It is probably because of the growing belly. It is not really painful, just a little uncomfortable. Because of the belly, I officially cannot lay on my stomach anymore. It feels like I am trying to lay on a bowling ball. Enough of the moaning and groaning!

Another reason for the reality of pregnancy this week is the fact that I can call her Haddie. It is like she is a real person now! Pink, ruffles, and bows! Oh, my! Looking at items for the registry, outfits, and other personalized items has made it so real. I even have an idea for her first Halloween costume! I'm thinking she will be our little piece of candy corn!

She will be teeny, tiny. I think this will be an easy and comfy way for her to participate. I have also been searching for the perfect "going home outfit." I have found a few things on Etsy, but I haven't decided on one yet. It is definitely getting more real by the minute!

Now, for the most exciting news. Friday morning, I one hundred percent, without a doubt, felt little Miss Haddie move! I was laying on my back in bed watching HGTV, and all of the sudden she flopped over. I have always heard that some women relate it to feeling like a fish flopping around. In my head, I always just imagined it being a little goldfish flop. Nope. Felt like a big ole trout in there! It was so strange and great at the same time. She has been moving a lot more lately. I love it! It is usually just a few big movements every so often. However, I have discovered a little trick. If I play music through my phone and place it on my belly, she starts moving! Hopefully, it is because she likes it. I hope I am not ticking her off! Haha.

Haddie has put a damper on my usual tanning activities. I was a faithful patron of the tanning bed for years, and by now, I would typically look ethnic! Not this year. Deep down, I am glad. I know that skin cancer is a real problem, and I know several people my age who have already had to deal with it. I can't think of a better reason to quit that habit! In turn, I am lacking in the glow of Summer. Saturday, I spent time with the Wheelus family by the pool. As mentioned previously, I can no longer lay on my tummy. So, the results of my Vitamin D binge: a still pale backside, and a fried, crispy frontside. Oops and ouch! Don't worry. I never got too hot. I kept a quart of water handy, and jumped in the pool often!

This was not helpful for my goal of a good night's sleep. I applied about twelve layers of aloe.

I have set some goals for the next few weeks: get moving on the Nursery and get the registries complete. Neither one of these activities sound like they will be fun once I am waddling around. Thanks for stopping by!

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