Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air, Friends! I can feel it. I am so ready for warm weather. I despise the cold. However, I was ready to see Summer go last year. I was a whale and suffering in the heat, and also awaiting the arrival of Fall to meet my Haddie. Most people do a little Spring Cleaning this time of year, and I plan to join them.

You may have noticed the blog got a little face lift. Life in general has gotten a face lift. My goal in the next few weeks is to de-clutter. This has been on the agenda for quite some time now. I plan to make it a reality. I need some organization in my life. Haddie is an angel, so I can't use her as an excuse for the chaos, clutter, and disorganization. I want these next few months to clean house, literally. Once Summer Break arrives, I plan on enjoying every minute with my #1 Girl!

I didn't plan on neglecting the blog. Just haven't had much to say. Anyone have any suggestions or requests for blog topics? Haddie's Five Month Update is coming up in just a few days. We have some new firsts that are pretty exciting, and some not so fun things in our future.

Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for Month Five's details. Enjoy a photo dump of Haddie Bug!


  1. She is so cute!!! I love the pictures! The blog looks great! I too am trying to declutter and CLEAN! I know I will be the whale this summer, and I need to get the heavy stuff done before I'm too...heavy. LOL. I have been organizing and moving furniture in my head for weeks, and now I need to actually make some decisions and get on it! :)
