Sunday, February 17, 2013

Four Months Old

Date: February 17, 2013

Age: Four Months

Weight: 15lbs 10oz (Home Scale)

Length: 25in

Eat: Still at 6 ounces of breastmilk every 3 hours. I am curious to see if we get the go ahead to start solids at her 4 Month Checkup on Friday. I am not sure if I am ready to start, or if I want to wait until 6 months. She is still satisfied with only breastmilk and definitely gaining weight, so I don't think it is necessary. I did try out using a spoon yesterday: I spooned out a little of her bottle before her feeding. She chomped down like she knew exactly what to do and slurped it up. Maybe she is ready!

Sleep: So far, Haddie is still sleeping well. No sleep regression, yet. I hope that phenomenon skips our house! Night sleep is from 10pm to about 7am. She typically takes a long, 2 hour nap from 8 to 10am and 5 to 7pm and small catnaps between each bottle. We had to alter our bedtime routine slightly with her diagnosis of eczema. She has a very mild case, thank goodness. By only bathing every other night and using only Eucerin lotion, her skin has cleared up nicely. Sadly, no more smelly bubble bath or lotions though. We are so blessed she is so easy to put to bed! I hope she keeps this trait. I turn on her sleep music during her bottle. When she is done, I zip her up in her snuggie, give her a paci, turn on her Twilight Ladybug, turn out the light and close the door. Usually, we never hear a peep until morning! Trust me, I know we are lucky!

Favorites: Her voice: squeals, screams, jabber, etc. The Bumbo. Her hands, they are seriously her best friends. Smiling. My phone. Getting dressed. People watching.

Clothing Size: 3 to 6 months

Diaper Size: Size 2

Firsts and Milestones: First trip the Tennessee Aquarium. First trip to the Hunter Museum (Momma too). First Valentine's Day. First laugh. First squeals. Beginning to sit unassisted for VERY brief periods. Beginning to reach for things.

Best Moment: I heard her first, true laugh. I was changing her 10th poop diaper of the day. I told her if she didn't stop pooping she was going to have a red booty. She must have found that humorous because she let out the sweetest chuckle. Since then, she has done it several more times. It is always random and never on command. Of course.I can't wait until she doing big belly laughs!

Worst Moment: We have still been battling a stuffy nose and all that comes with it. We had our second ear infection, as well. I hate to see my sweet girl sick and feeling crummy. She is such a trooper though!

1 comment:

  1. She is so big! I can't believe she is 4 months old! Where has the time gone? I got stressed out when we started doing solids with August because I didn't know how much breastmilk, how much formula (we were doing both at one point), and how much food to give him. I was so confused! I missed the simplicity of just breastmilk, so enjoy that while you can! :) That's great that she is such a wonderful sleeper! August is too, and I am thinking this next baby might just rock our world with lack of sleep. Haha.
