Saturday, December 31, 2011

10 Day You Challenge - Day Six

Day Six - Five Foods

Short post today, guys. You would think I would have lots to say about my favorite

1. Bea's Fried Chicken. Actually, everything in that place is AMAZING! Some people are turned off by the Lazy Susan and sitting with strangers, but it doesn't bother me at all. It is not the nicest restaurant, and definitely not in the nicest part of town, but they sure can make some good fried chicken! If you have never been, you definitely need to make a visit. My mouth is watering as we speak....

2. Chocolate. A girl's best friend. If you are having a bad day, a little bit (or a lot) of chocolate can help turn it around. There is no such thing as too much chocolate either. I would list my favorites, but then I would just sound like Bubba from "Forrest Gump" talking about shrimp. Actually, I am enjoying some Peanut M&M's while typing this post.

3. My Hubby's A1 Burgers. I have to give props to my Hubby, the "Grill Master." He has burgers down to an art. The past few times he has tried a new tactic: marinating them in A1. It is delicious. He can also make a mean kabob. I just had to take a little time to brag on My Sweetie.

4. McDonald's Fries. Well, any fries. The greasier and saltier, the better. Nothing can break a diet faster than these babies. It really doesnt help that there is a fast food establishment less than 100 yards from my house!

5. Carbs. Yes, I mean the entire food group. Bread. Pasta. Potatoes. You name it. Carbs hold a special place in my heart, and lately on my butt and belly. Oh, boy....

The first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. Hello, my name is Rachel. I am addicted to food.

As you can see, my diet needs some work. I keep saying that 2012 is when all of this "change" is going to take place. We shall see. I will leave you with a quote fitting the Holiday......

"Maybe next year....." - Corey Smith

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