Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: A Year End Review (with pictures)

Well, I can honestly say that 2011 was not my favorite year. Since 2011 is coming to a close, I think I am going to take some time to look back on some of the ups and downs of the year. Let's start at the beginning........

Bird House at Lee and Gordon's Mills

2011 started off promising: watched Snooki drop at Midnight, was still cheery from the White Christmas, lived through a Snowmageddon, and had an extra long break from school (we never even lost power). Here is a little snippet of our fun. You can tell we aren't experienced! Well, me anyway.

Finally, the snow melts and we get back into the swing of things. I was halfway through my first year of teaching and having a blast! We cashed in some of my "teacher perks" and visited the Tennessee Aquarium on Teacher Appreciation Day.

Sea Turtle at the Tennessee Aquarium

January turns to February. Our area was becoming quite popular thanks to Lauren Alaina on American Idol and the Extreme Home Makeover house. We celebrated our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. Job security got a little scary thanks to some PreK budget cuts/changes. In March, a dear friend of mine found out she was finally pregnant.....with TWINS! I also lost my Pawpaw, my Dad's father. Finally, we made it to Spring Break in April. Ed did not have enough vacation built up, so in lieu of a trip, I spent my free time lounging on the couch. We did take a quick trip to Nashville to celebrate my great niece, Rachel's 5th Birthday, and to meet my newest great niece, Regan.

Holding Regan at Rachel's 5th Birthday Party
 We finally got the good news that our PreK program survived the cuts. Also, I had my 15 Minutes of Fame (You can find me around the 1min12s mark). I had been sick, but luckily, a little voice in my head told me to fix my hair and put on some makeup that day!

Then everyone remembers what happened on April 27th....

What is left of a hotel in Ringgold after the tornado
Even though clean up is still going on today, we eventually stood back up and got on with life once again. Then it was May, and we were scrambling to finish school. Summer was in sight. I celebrated one wonderful year of marriage with the Hubby.

And said goodbye to my first group of students. We had a wonderful graduation ceremony!

Class of 2011
Finally, Summer Time! Spent much of June and July grilling out, on the lake, and just enjoying the wonderful, Southern Summer. Celebrated six years of being with my Ed! Also, got my first new car and took a little road trip to Jacksonville for my Mommy Ballerina's very own Baby Shower.

Relaxing on the Lake
Then it was August. The month that I will never forget. Ed had been feeling kind of sickly for a few days. At first, we thought nothing of it until he started to get worse and worse. A late night trip to the ER for some relief turned out to be the beginning of an eventful month.

Ed's Battle Wound
Turns out, his tummy problem was a giant, 5cm tumor that had eaten through his stomach and into his colon. After removing 60 percent of his stomach, a foot of his colon, and a benign verdict, we came home to rest up. But, it was now time to gear up for a new school year. I completely revamped the classroom and got ready for 22 new little angels.

September and School were in full swing. I made my own trip to the ER thanks to the giant mosquitoes that infested the school playground and attacked me.

Most Painful Mosquito Bites
September turns to October and we celebrated my 25th Birthday. We were a part of our good friends, the Wheelus', very special Wedding Day. I spent my Fall Break with Mamaw in one of our favorite places on Earth, Beaufort, South Carolina.

Sunset on the Bay, Beaufort, South Carolina

 Ed goes back to work, but is not 100 percent, so we took it slow. I found Pinterest and used all of our relaxing, down time to begin creating Pinterest masterpieces. The precious Brown twins arrived safe and sound, just in time for Halloween.

2011 was coming to a close with the start of the Holidays. "Breaking Dawn" hit theaters, and I was there at midnight! I some how managed to hold off on putting the tree up until after Thanksgiving. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, Mamaw spent a few days in the hospital, which resulted in yet another trip and sleepover at Memorial Hospital for me. Before we knew it, it is Christmas time, and Ed turned the big 3-1.

2011 was definitely a year to remember, and we will be saying goodbye to it in Gatlinburg! I cant wait to see what 2012 brings us......

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