Friday, January 13, 2012

10 Day You Challenge - Day Seven

Day Seven - Four Books

1. The Twilight Saga.
My love affair with Twilight began after we saw the first movie. We had seen previews, but we had no clue what it was about. I thought Edward just had some type of super power. After the movie ended, I was hooked. I over heard some girls talking about the books, and if you know me, then you you know that I am obsessed with reading books that are movies and vice versa. Maybe it is because my imagination is lacking and I need someone else to cast my thoughts. Anyways, I have to admit that instantly googled (of course) the series and read the Cliff's Notes. Yes. I ruined it for my self. The next day, I ordered the complete set and read every book over my Christmas Break. My favorite book was Eclipse. Twilight will always be special. New Moon sucked because there was no Edward. And Breaking Dawn was my least favorite. I feel it was predictable and just written to end the series. I don't want to admit how many times I have actually read the series. It is embarrassing.......

2. The Hunger Games Series.
I have several friends who told me to read the series. I kept blowing it off. I saw the trailer for it and was convinced it was not for me. But, for some reason, I decided to try it. Read them in a week! I usually don't go for science fiction type books or movies, but I really enjoyed them. I cannot wait for the movies to come out!

3. Nicholas Sparks Books.
What girl doesn't love Mr. Sparks. I mean The Notebook is a must read for any girl. And the movie. Especially, since I have my own Ryan Gosling/Noah look-a-like :) Anyways, I think I enjoy his books because they are romantic, but with a man's twist. I can't handle the trashy, romance novels, like some I know. Ahem. But I do enjoy a good love story. There is usually a death also, so I am guaranteed a good cry! Bonus.

4. Is Your Mama a Llama? This is one of my favorite books from as far back as I can remember. I think it was one of the first books I ever read. Other than that, I am not sure why I love it so much. I always have great memories flood back when I think of my childhood, so maybe it is just because it takes me back...


  1. The only book I can to relate in reading is your mama a Llama..I bought that book when Devin was born. But I do love the note book..I need to read

  2. Excuse me! Trashy romance? No such thing. Lol. And I'm guessing the "ahem" was meant for me. We like what we like ;)
