Monday, January 16, 2012

10 Day You Challenge - Day Nine

Day Nine - Two Songs

This has, by far, been the hardest Challenge. I love music. All of it. Classical. Bluegrass. Country. Rap. Pop. Rock. Alternative. Just to name a few. So when asked to pick two songs, it was quite difficult. I decided to choose a favorite song from my past and a current favorite.

1. Fleetwood Mac - Dreams. I grew up listening to the sounds of Classic Rock. My Dad has an impressive record collection, and I have many memories of sitting in the den and listening to old records with him. I chose this song because it was one of the first songs that popped in my head. I love Fleetwood Mac, and pretty much every song they have done! I think some of the best music came out of this era. There truly are classics. I hope that my children grow up with a love and open mind for music.

2. Civil Wars - Poison & Wine. I love this beautiful song. I think it is a very true look at love. In the song, the lyrics are contradicting statements about a partner, and the chorus includes "I don't love you, but I always will." This is just my opinion, but from what I have seen, love like "the movies" comes and goes. Every relationship has the infatuation era, and months, maybe even years, down the line, the newness wears off. I think the true test of love is what happens after the new is gone. To think that arguments and fights never happen is silly, and this song describes the feelings that happen during those times. No matter how mad, sad, or hurt you are, the love is still there. You just might not notice it.


  1. Love fleetwood mac. Never listened to civil wars. The way you describe it is interesting. I'll have to check it out...

  2. And what u said about when the newness wears offthat is true too. Just wait til u have kids lol
