Monday, March 12, 2012

8 Weeks

8 Weeks
Nugget is the size of a Raspberry
How far along? 8 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: - 1 lbs

Maternity clothes? Not yet. I have a feeling a Bella Band is coming soon. Using a hair tie for extra room in my jeans, but I prefer to wear stretchy, comfy pants.

Stretch marks? Not yet. Using a cocktail of Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E oil to help out.

Sleep: Yes, please. I have been taking a 3+ hour nap daily, and getting about 6 hours of sleep at night. I do wake up around 2am each morning to visit the potty. I feel almost narcoleptic. If I get still and comfy, it's over. 

Best moment this week: Hearing a precious heartbeat and seeing little Nugget!

Have you told family and friends: Of course.

Miss Anything? Actually, I have been craving a turkey sandwich. Sadly, I have also craved an adult beverage a time or two...

Movement: Nope. This is also true for the bowels. Sorry...

Food cravings: Only the Pecan Chicken Tender Salad from O'Charley's. Oh, and I have been buying gallons of chocolate milk and freezing it in cups to make a ghetto Frosty.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Ed's Mexican food, but I still have been blessed with no morning sickness!

Have you started to show yet: Not yet. Only my little pooch (that is unrelated to Nugget.) I have noticed that they area under my belly button is getting hard to the touch though! Exciting!

Gender prediction: Still unsure.

Labor Signs: No way!

Belly Button in or out? Definitely in.

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: I would say Happy, but those around me may beg to differ.

Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound on the 28th!

So, nothing too exciting this week. Work has been crazy the past few days. We are getting ready for a visit from the new PreK Consultant, so we are trying to get everything perfect! I am planning to visit some consignment sales this weekend. I probably wont be making any purchases for Nugget, but I do plan on stocking up on some maternity items. Alright, dinner is finished but dishes arent done. A few last minute things for tomorrow, and this Mama is hitting the hay!


  1. a ghetto frosty sounds delish and i'm not pregnant! lol. and you know pure romance makes that special oil stuff specifically for stretch marks... jus sayin! also, a girl i qork with thats due in april told me the other day that her breats looked like watermelons (lines included) bahaha. something to look forward to!

  2. LoL to the remark about boobs looking like watermelons, cause now mine looks bigger than that. Nothing fits and I am to stingy to buy anything. So since I stay at home anyways, I been wearing stretchy pajamas..Im sure John is ready for me to be all dolled up again, yea right in my opinion..But now Im just so ready for it to be over with due to massive heartburn and the baby kicking in the bladder. But I know since this is your first, you and Ed are taking every moment in and enjoying it. Im just ready to have the baby out to hold and snuggle with.. And this is going to be a big adjustment for Dustin, since he is a mommy's I look forward to the close experience in siblings..And this will be it for John and I..We have to get prepared for toddler stages and such..
