Tuesday, June 26, 2012

23 Weeks

23 Weeks

Haddie is the size of a Grapefruit

Time for another update! Week 23 has been a wild one. I feel like I have just been through the spin cycle. A friend's Baby Shower, volunteering and shopping at JBF, work, never ending housework, still setting up and organizing the nursery, and a cookout are just a few of the highlights. So, let's break it down and get to the details.

A few weeks ago, I thought that I was beginning to reach the stage of permanent discomfort. I was having trouble sleeping and and some aches in my lower stomach. Must have just been a passing thing. Thank goodness. My back will occasionally hurt if I do too much or stand for a long period of time, but that was somewhat common before pregnancy.

However, I have noticed that my bottom "falls asleep" if I sit for long periods of time now. I went to a Baby Shower for a friend from the Teaching Program on Friday. It was great to see those girls! I have missed them! And a little girl time is always nice. It was at a restaurant; so we ate dinner and then had the shower festivities. I sat in the chair for almost three hours! I wasn't sure if I could even walk when I stood up! Must be the extra weight I am carrying around.

Me and little Haddie and Brooke and little Aspen

Speaking of weight, I haven't really gained as much as I thought I would so far. I was beginning to think that I was going to be in trouble soon. I lost about seven pounds at the beginning due to lack of appetite. At my 20 Week appointment, I was only back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I had read that after 20 Weeks, you should average about a pound a week. So, I have been paying attention a little more closely to the scales. Well, I don't think we will have a problem. Since my last visit alone, I have gained three pounds, which is just about right. Another new problem I am having is memory. Or the loss of it. I have always been a "list" person. I like a visual of what I need to do, remember, and accomplish for the day. These lists have become mandatory. If I don't have my list, I can't function and something important will not be done. Every where I turn, I find a scrap sheet of paper with a list (or two) on it. It is quite funny. But completely necessary.

Finally, you know how they say that pregnant woman are emotional. Cry about everything. I have always been an emotional person. I love to cry! I watch sad movies on purpose. So, I thought this would be "waterworks central." Well, that has not been the case. I have had the opposite end of the spectrum: Rage. Like, Hulk-style. The smallest things can send me into a fury. The other night, Ed ordered some takeout and brought it home. They did the complete opposite of my order and left what I wanted off and put EVERYTHING ELSE on. I seriously could have got in my car, drove to the restaurant, and threw my take out box at the window! You don't mess with a pregnant lady's food! There was also an incident with some doors from the entertainment center in our living room. They ended up in the front yard. Let's just say that a hot Scentsy was knocked over and I had a cut on my leg. So, those bad boys got kicked (actually thrown) out!

I had my first experience with volunteering at a Consignment Sale. It was actually fun! The first day I worked was an Inspection Day. It was kind of like window shopping, without the pressure to spend money. I got to look through everyone's things. It was also stressful because we had to take out anything that was ripped, stained, or just in bad condition. So, these people are just standing there watching you go through their items and "judging" them. Most people were nice about it, some got a little huffy. The next day was the PreSale. I got in at 10am to shop because I was an Eight Hour Volunteer. I spent about two hours looking around. I got about eight outfits, a boppy cover, a dishwasher basket, some swaddle blankets, washcloths, hooded towels, and an amazing Ikea lamp. All that for $35 bucks!

Ikea lamp for $5 bucks!

At three, I went back again with Britt. I had also gotten in for the First-Time Mom PreSale and could take a guest. Of course, I shopped again. This time I got a pack of diapers, and five more outfits. I spent less than $20 bucks. The next time I volunteered was actually during the Sale. First, I had to list items that had been recalled and pulled off the floor. Afterwards, I spent the remaining three and a half hours straightening and putting items back in the correct place. Of course, during this process I found four more outfits! Spent another $12 bucks. I am debating on whether or not go for the 1/2 Off Sale on Saturday.

On Sunday, Ed and I decided to go and get started on the Baby Registry process. We went to Babies R Us and Target. The task of registering sounds fun, but it is really quite overwhelming. So many decisions: Do I really need this? Which brand of this? How many of that? What if I forget something? I have a feeling that was not our last trip. We really have quite a bit of the things that you "need" already. Through hand me downs, consignment sales, yard sales, and friends who we can borrow from, we have been blessed. A majority of the items we registered for are the consumables like diapers, wipes, baby wash, gas drops, etc. We have a few other bigger items that we still need, too. I am just glad we got a majority of it done before "crunch time."

Made some more progress in the Nursery! Painted and hung the shelf above the dresser. I created a little Pinterest craft to place on it. Now, I am in the process of looking for little vintage/retro knick knacks to go up there. I have a cute little ceramic jar and some vintage wooden toy blocks up there now. I also hung the mirror and canvases. Ed stepped in with his help to ensure everything was level and secure.

Now that most of the hard labor is done, it is time to start the task of organizing. Organization is becoming a larger and larger part of my life. I have three areas of storage in the Nursery: her nearly six foot long dresser, a five tiered bookshelf, and the closet. The plan is to put most of her clothing and daily use items in the dresser. I have a drawer designated for diapering since her dresser is also the changing table. The bookshelf is multi use: the bottom two shelves are for her: books, toys, and other things it is fine for her to have access to. The top three shelves will be most likely for decor and keepsakes: baby books, photos, and other mementos. The plan for the closet is to use the floor for extra/bigger diapers and wipes, and some baby gear she isn't quite ready for yet. I will hang certain outfits, jackets, and dresses in there. The top shelf will be for clothing that is too big and the remaining extra consumables: body wash, lotion, etc. This is all tentative. Once we have received shower gifts and bought the remaining items, I may throw out the whole plan for one that works better. But for now, this seems to be the best use of space.

Another word in my vocabulary is procrastination. But, I am very proud of how far along we are in the nursery set up! I still have a few weeks in the second trimester and we almost have a finished nursery! However, I know nothing is certain and you never know what tomorrow may bring. She may decide to come much earlier than she is supposed to. Hopefully, she takes her time. I did buy my first jug of Dreft and washed and folded the clothing I have so far. It was almost the biggest reality check I have had yet. Instead of just looking at all these little clothes, I am washing, folding, and putting them away!

My biggest regret with the Nursery Reno is that I haven't taken enough pictures. I wanted to do before/after, and also pictures of the steps I took to get to the finished product. Oh, well. I can't wait to reveal all the details and work that we have put in to her room. I think it will be a pretty great nursery. But then again, I am probably a little biased.

We have our 24 Week checkup on Thursday. As always, I am getting nervous. I know that things must be going OK because she is still flopping and kicking around in there. Although, Ed has still not felt her! I swear she does it on purpose! Hopefully, we can get a peek at her too. Have a great week!!


  1. I looove reading your pregnancy updates! This is such an exciting time! Your belly looks so cute! Love that lamp!

    1. Thanks! I happen to looooove reading your too!

  2. I'm in your blog! How cool! Thank you so much for coming to the shower and your sweet gift basket of goodies! Everyone talked about how cute your hair was and said that you were glowing...and you were! Love ya girl!

  3. I know this last pregnancy has been a roller coaster for me with my temper.John would tell you it is worse. But then again, I think its having to handle a toddler. While pregnant with Dustin I was much more calmer and relaxed. Due to being more able to relax. But I remember telling John not to even take a bite of my food..lol..I didn't want to share . I think its great that you are getting everything ready and not waiting to the last minute. Just in case when you ar 8 to 9 months you don't have to worry. And I love the smell of Dreft on babies clothes. Im trying to get organized. And trying to pu a boot in Johns butt to get that way too. It seems like your pregnancy to me is going by fast. Do you have any baby pics of you and Ed that you are going to post?
