Monday, September 30, 2013

Ten And Eleven Months Old

Weight: 20lbs 9oz

Length: 28 3/4in

Eat: We have a pretty good routine going now with her meals. She wakes around 6:30am and takes a six ounce bottle (3oz formula and 3oz whole milk). We are in the process of transitioning to whole milk. I wanted to gradually change over a period of weeks to let her belly acclimate to the cow's milk. Notice there was no breastmilk mentioned. Yep. All done. Post to follow.

At 8am, she eats a single serving carton of yogurt. We have been using vanilla YoBaby. She enjoys it. I bought the strawberry banana with cereal variety. But at the moment, we are dealing with tummy issues and a blistered bottom. So, I don't want to introduce anything new that might add to that situation.

At 11am, she eats lunch. This is usually two ounces of fruit and two ounces of veggies with a water sippy cup. I usually give her toast or goldfish to go with it or whatever table food is around for her to try/munch on. At 12pm, she gets another six ounce bottle.

She usually snacks around 2:30pm. This includes goldfish, cheerios, or crackers, etc. and a water sippy cup. That tides her over until 4:30pm for her next six ounce bottle.

Dinner is at 7pm. It is the same as lunch, but I have been cutting up tiny pieces of chicken nuggets to go with it. Her last meal of the day is her six ounce bottle before bed at 8:30pm.

Table food is going OK. She loves pinto beans, chicken nuggets, and all breads! French fries, mac and cheese, fish sticks, and fruits are hit or miss. Most other things are instantly ejected. She does not care for juice at all. But she does sip on ice water. She doesn't do well with sippy cups with chewy tops. The cheap, plastic Take N Toss cups have been the best for us.

Sleep: Bedtime is 8:30pm and she usually sleeps until 6:30am. On the weekends she takes two 1 1/2 naps: between 8am and 11am and then between 12pm and 3pm. During the week, she only sleeps about an hour max at daycare from 7:30am until 3pm. She usually crashes in the car on the way home and sleeps until 4:30pm. Naps are on my bed. I should probably start making her nap in her crib, but I lay with her to get her to sleep (and sometimes nap too). That wouldn't work out so well in the crib. Night time is easy! She still goes right to sleep on her own in her crib. Thank goodness!

Favorites: Kitty. Music, especially "Royals." Snacking. Blankey. Mama's cell phone. Daycare. Playing ball. Going bye bye. Peek-a-boo. Pat-a-cake. Singing the ABC's. Giving loves. Monkey. Getting in the bathtub. Pointing at things. Cheesy grins.

Clothing Size: A few 9 Months things are still lingering. Mostly 12 Months and 18 Months things. She wears a 4 1/2 in shoes according to Stride-Rite. However, it depends on the brand.

Diaper Size: Size 3

Firsts and Milestones: Pulling up. Pushing toys. Standing alone for brief seconds. Says "dada, bye bye, mama, ball." She also says "yes and no," but I don't think she is comprehending why just yet. First night away from Mom! Visited Ikea with Mom on her first trip. Starting whole milk. Fake laughs. Loves to jabber. Six teeth. Second set of tubes. Starting to pitch mini-tantrums.

Worst Moment: The Diaper Rash hell that we are in at the moment. I was just thinking to myself how we have managed to avoid this dreaded thing even after all the rounds of antibiotics. Then out of nowhere, it hits. She has cried. I have cried. I think we are finally on the downhill slope, but it has been a doozie!

Best Moment:It is hard to choose one moment. Especially, when I get behind and do two months at once! There really are too many best moments every day. I love how excited she gets when she sees me. How she giggles when I come into her room in the morning. All the silliness. The personality. She is a mess. I love how much she is loved by others too.

I guess the thing that sticks out the most about her that she is still ever so slowly becoming even more snuggly. I have caught her a couple times snuggling up with me on the beanbag. Until she realizes she is being still. Then its over. Last night we were reading "Love You Forever." As I was choking back tears, she laid her head on my chest for second. It was a perfect moment. I am so blessed with such a wonderful little girl!

Now you know what time it is! Photo dump in 3....2.....1.....

These two kill me! Don't worry, he is not laying on her face!

Feeling good before Tubes: Round 2

Marianne's Baby Shower for Ben


That face.

Haddie Claus


Hanging out with my #1

I can't believe the next Monthly Update will be one year!!!

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